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School library is stocked with carefully selected books on various subjects for all the age groups. Aimed at enhancing knowledge level and developing love for research these books also cultivate good value system.

Reading is the gateway skill that makes all learning possible”– Barack Obama

To be an independent learner children have to take the journey from ‘Learning-to-read’ to ‘Reading-to-learn’.
Reading – is one skill that is more fundamental than others; and no child can miss out on it.

Vidyashilp Public School

Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. Library at Vidyashilp Public School currently hosts around 16500 books comprising of academic as well as non academic reading material. For general reading, we have 7900+ books from 25+ leading publishers like Amar Chitra Katha, Tinkle, Reader’s Digest, Iken, Camfire, Pratham books, Tiny tots, A Marshall Cavendish Discovery Collection. Children get access to a comprehensive collection of to 13 Magazines namely Champak, Mentor, Sportstar, Magic Pot and 8 newspapers. We are constantly adding new titles to the library. Many of these are award winning titles and are part of CBSE recommendations. These books are picked up from the best of Indian & International literature for children.

We do provide open access to all these fiction and nonfiction books ranging in different Lexile levels from Beginner to Expert. We are well-equipped with favourite series like Goosebumps, A to Z mysteries, Hardy boys, Nancy Drew, Noddy, Tom Gates, Dork Diaries, Tintin, Asterix and many more!

The World Book Encyclopedia, The Encyclopedia Britannica, Young Scientist, dictionaries, handbooks, and manuals are housed here.


Vidyashilp Public School

Following books are popular amongst all age groups (2023-2024),in our school.

Class Most Read Books By Students
I Pepper Books Series, Small Moral Story Books, Small Story Books of AnimalS, Magic Touch (collection of small stories),books of value education, GK Books of class I
II Enid Blyton’s Noddy Books, Small Story Books of Animals and Morals, GK Books of Class II, Magic Touch(collection of small stories),books of value education.
III Story books of Panchatantra, Vikram Betal, Akbar Birbal, Moral Story Books, Animal Books, Jungle Books GK books, Champak, Chandamama, Magicpot, Tinkle, Tinkle Digest., Amarchitra Katha Books, Biography Books, Champak, , Highlight Genius, Highlight Champs, It’s My Paper
IV Arabian Nights Stories, Folk Tales, Stories from Panchatantra, Tales of wisdom, Story books of Vikram Betal, Akbar Birbal, Moral Story Books, Animal Books, Jungle Books, Amarchitrakatha Books, biography Books, Tom Gates Books,Champak, Chandamama, Magicpot, Tinkle, Tinkle Digest, Goosebums,GeronimoStilton,The Diary of Wimpy Kid, Enid blyton’s The secret seven,Wliiam Shakespeare .
V Geronimo Stilton, Sudha Murthy, Roald Dahl, Enid Blyton, Goosebumps,The Diary of wimpy kid,TomGates,Amarchitrakatha,Arabian Nights ,Vikram Betal,Books of Energy and Resources(Teri Books), Iken Books of Science, It’s all about Science, Toy Treasure Books, Tell Me Why Books, Biography books, Gulliver’s Travel, Tom Gates Books, Children’s Encyclopedia, Visual Dictionary, GK Books, Science Experiments Books, Tintin Books, Asterix, Top 10 of Everything, Sportstar, Champak, Magicpot, Tinkle, Tell Me Why.
VI Geronimo Stilton, Sudha Murthy, Sherlock Holmes,Amarchitrakatha, Goosebumps, Books of Energy and Resources (Teri Books), Iken Books of Science, It’s all about Science, Toy Treasure Books, Secret Seven, Hardy Boys, Famous Five, Nancy Drew, Biography books, Gulliver’s Travel, Children’s Encyclopedia, Visual Dictionary, GK Books, Tom Gates Books, Science Experiments Books, Tintin Books, Asterix, Top 10 of Everything, Young Scientist(Series of 10 books), People & Places(series of 6 Books), Books of Tell Me Why, When & Where, Sportstar, Champak, Magicpot, Tinkle, Tell Me Why, Reference books of full Marks, Together with for all Subjects&R.D.Sharma.
VII Biography Books, Amar chitrakatha,goosebumps,Tomgates,Adventures Books, Mythological Books, Science Books, GK Books, Enid Blyton, Agatha Christie, Sudha Murthy, R.K. Narayanan, Tom Sawyer, famous Five, Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Secret Seven, Messi, Neymar, Ronaldo, Sachin Tendulkar, Percy Jackson Books. J.K.Rowlings Harry Potter books, Iken‘s Science Books, World Book (encyclopedias),Energy & Resources Books of Science, GK Books, Encyclopedias, Batman, SpidermanHomecoming,Its My Paper, Tell Me why, Sportstar, Science & Experiments books, R.D.Sharma, Reference books of Full Marks, Together with, S.Chand, R.D.Sharma.
VIII History Books, Harry Potter, Agatha Christie, Marry HiggensClerk,RobinCook,Tom Gates, Enid Blyton, Biography of sport personalities, Books of History and Mythology, Energy & Resources Books(Teri), Series of percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, Iken Science Books, How Science Works, Science & Experiment Books, Reference Books of Full Marks, Together with, S.Chand. R.D.Sharma.
IX Agatha Christie,MarryHiggensClerk,Robin Cook, Enid Blyton, J.K.Rowling’s entire Harry Potter Series, Historical and Mythological books, Fangirl, PaperTown, Fault in Our stars, Tintin, Asterix,Energy& Resources Books, Reference Books of all Subjects, Reader’s Digest.
X J.K.Rowlings entire series of Harry potter , Enid Blyton, Agatha Christie, Marry HiggensClerk,Robin Cook,Percy Jackson all series , John Green, Tintin, Asterix, Reader’s Digest, Maths Education Journal, Oswal Question Bank , Sample Question Papers of Arihant& Rohit, Reference Books, of all subjects.