Integrity House

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Integroty Appointees

"Success will come and go, but Integrity is forever."

motto of our house... 'Be true to thyself."

If were to teach only one value to live by, it would be the Integrity means doing the right thing at all times and in all circumstances, whether or not anyone is watching. The color green stands for Nature. The logo denotes our Mother Earth and in the centre is an 'I' with an orbital path all around it. This 'I' stands for each child of Integrity House and the orbit around it stands for Integrity of character, every time and everywhere. The children live up to this value because the important thing in life is to participate and learn something and enjoy healthy competition.

CAPTAIN :- Arfa Parkar
VICE CAPTAIN :- Reva Chechani 
SPORTS :- Rujuta Guddeti 
PREFECT :- Arham Katariya  
House Mistress Mrs Sakina Ahmed (HM) Mrs Princy Thomas (HM) Ms Anamika Kundu (HM) Mrs Anukta Dey (HM)
AHM Mrs Karishma Giri Mrs Swati Srivastava Mrs Asmita Didholkar Ms Xavana Fernandes
House Teachers Mrs Ishrat Qureshi Mrs Sangeeta Anasane Mrs Shivangi Saxena Mrs Komal Alvekar
Mr Wilson John Mrs Deepali Mane Mrs Sharmila Shah Mrs Shivangni Mishra
Mrs Vaishali Bhosale Mrs Shipra Singh Mrs Vaishnavi Patil Mrs Kanchan Bhojwani
Mrs DhanashrI Lokhande Ms Sapna Wafgaonkar Mrs Smita Patil Mr Shubham Hatgine
Mr Yogesh Khude Mrs Vaishnavi Telgu Mrs Amee Trivedi Mrs Sindhu Biju
Mrs Anuradha Kharat Mrs Shivani Roperia Mr Suvarna Davane Mrs Arti Seth
Mrs Vathsala Bhaktha Mrs Priyanka Sudame Mrs Renuka Mohinani Mrs Anshika Punjabi
Mrs Madhavi Walkay Mrs Soniya Ambade Mrs Roxanne Maria Desousa Mrs Apurva Pandav
Mrs Reshma Kamthe Mrs Meher Sree Mrs Mansi Adatiya Mrs Ruchika Singal
Mrs Meghna Kumari Mrs Bhakti Musale    
  Mrs Jyoti Poduval