Discipline House

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Integroty Appointees

'Fearlessly Forward' Any individual with a good moral and mental development is an unstoppable force. Our house is a bunch of such unstoppable brave-hearts, who march forward fearlessly justifying our motto with our action.

Our Motto, 'Fearlessly Forward', says it all in a nutshell. We strive to inculcate physical, mental and moral values in us, so as to help others to follow us in the same discipline.

The color of our flag, yellow, stands for the grit and courage we display in tough phases of life. The logo of our house, the three runners, shows our determination to continue to run forward towards our goal of success in a purposeful life.

We train ourselves not to let ourselves be pushed down by the failures or challenges that cross our path. We train ourselves to overcome every obstacle fearlessly through our disciplined lifestyle and set an example to be followed by others.

CAPTAIN :- Himaja Gutta
VICE CAPTAIN :- Nilaksh Sabnis
SPORTS :- Tanishka Autade
PREFECT :- Neel Sawant
House Mistress Mrs Sakina Ahmed (HM) Mrs Princy Thomas (HM) Ms Anamika Kundu (HM) Mrs Anukta Dey (HM)
AHM Mrs Karishma Giri Mrs Swati Srivastava Mrs Asmita Didholkar Ms Xavana Fernandes
House Teachers Mrs Ishrat Qureshi Mrs Sangeeta Anasane Mrs Shivangi Saxena Mrs Komal Alvekar
Mr Wilson John Mrs Deepali Mane Mrs Sharmila Shah Mrs Shivangni Mishra
Mrs Vaishali Bhosale Mrs Shipra Singh Mrs Vaishnavi Patil Mrs Kanchan Bhojwani
Mrs DhanashrI Lokhande Ms Sapna Wafgaonkar Mrs Smita Patil Mr Shubham Hatgine
Mr Yogesh Khude Mrs Vaishnavi Telgu Mrs Amee Trivedi Mrs Sindhu Biju
Mrs Anuradha Kharat Mrs Shivani Roperia Mr Suvarna Davane Mrs Arti Seth
Mrs Vathsala Bhaktha Mrs Priyanka Sudame Mrs Renuka Mohinani Mrs Anshika Punjabi
Mrs Madhavi Walkay Mrs Soniya Ambade Mrs Roxanne Maria Desousa Mrs Ruchika Singal
Mrs Reshma Kamthe Mrs Meher Sree Mrs Mansi Adatiya Mrs Apurva Pandav
Mrs Meghna Kumari Mrs Bhakti Musale    
  Mrs Jyoti Poduval